What's Coming Up?
What follows are the events upcoming, known and projected that might be of interest to my readers. If not, by all means, skim past to things that actually are. Further down, you’ll find a kind of historical collage of things of at least hypothetical literary interest that did happen, at some point. If history repeats itself (or as someone once quipped, at least rhymes, it may be of interest to someone.
I’ll make a concerted effort to keep this updated. People who know me well are likely to suggest you not hold your breath, but…best of intentions, anyway. What’s that line? Life’s what happens while you’re making other plans?
Coming in September, 2024

West of Tomorrow's Promotional
West of Tomorrow will be going free, for a short period in September, 2024. The principle purpose, obviously, is exposure and to collect additional reviews. If you want to read West of Tomorrow earlier in return for a review (or after the promotion is over), feel free to contact me on the contact page. We can work something out.
Science Fiction and Contemporary Fiction Workshop
We are now meeting every other Tuesday evening from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.
The group is currently full, but in the event we get additional interest, I will consider opening a second critique group. If you or anyone else you know is interested in a serious critique group, contact me via the “Chat with Dirk” page.
Developmental Editing
If you have written or are in the process of writing a book and need a developmental sanity check on your story, feel free to contact me for a consultation. I can help. We can arrange a consultation, either in person or online. I can take a look at your first five pages for free, or the first ten pages for a dollar a page if you prefer a closer look to give you an idea of how I work and whether I can make a difference in your story. I specialize in contemporary fiction, romance, erotica and science fiction, but can help with most any writing project. I can be reached via the Chat with Dirk page to work out the specifics. Make it a great day!