Meet Dirk, the Author Unredacted...
Dirk’s path to authorship wasn’t quite accidental, but almost. Through his two previous careers, first as a Marine officer for twenty-two plus years and subsequently as a corporate trainer for thirteen, Dirk started more stories than he finished. During both of those careers, most of his writing was professional and non-fiction. He still wrote stories unrelated to his professional life, answering a spiritual need independent of any burning desire to see his work published.
But in the backwash of the 2008 financial meltdown, Dirk’s employer filed for Chapter 11 protection and went looking for people they thought they could do without. A victim of ageism, he found himself cordially invited to leave and not return. Out of work and excuses, he finished his first novel, West of Tomorrow. Since then, Dirk has finished six titles, West of Tomorrow, his first novel, two New Adult romances, the first two volumes of a science fiction yarn of first contact and an anthology of thought-provoking, short stories.
Dirk lives in Laguna Niguel in sight of the Pacific with his wife, 2 psychotic cats and a 14-year-old Ball Python named Corona. When not writing, Dirk can often be found in the gym, snow skiing or in his garage fussing over his latest woodworking project.

The author perched in front of the wall unit he built.
One might get the notion from the photos above that Dirk likes critters, snow skiing and empty horizons in his windshield. Anyone arriving at that conclusion would not be wrong. Few things energize Dirk quite as much as the full gut wrench. Whether it’s waist-deep, way steep on mountain slopes or in years past, the elevator drop on double-overhead Aleutian Juice on the North Shore of Oahu, or an “all gas, no brakes” drive on a winding mountain road, Dirk has spent much of his life looking for creative ways to risk life and limb. He’s also fascinated by all manner of critters with whom we share our world. It’s not that he doesn’t have a more sedate side. Just don’t bank on it. Restless, kinetic and ever mischievous, Dirk is many things, but rarely boring and never bored.